We appreciate your interest in volunteering at The Empowerment Recovery Center of Chester and encourage you to become a member of our team!
We thrive on volunteers! Volunteers encourage our clients as they bravely conquer their addiction. Volunteering is also rewarding for those who participate and willingly give of their time.
Review Our Volunteer Opportunities... following
*No direct contact with clients in treatment
*No direct contact with clients in treatment
Group Leaders
Understand Our Need To Obtain Your Criminal Record History
The Empowerment Resurrection Center of Chester Volunteer Program requires volunteers 18 years and older to complete a Criminal Record History Release Form to protect our volunteers, employees and clients. Upon the anniversary of volunteer status, an updated Criminal Release form must be signed for continued volunteer privileges. Volunteering is conditional upon the determination of ERC-Chester after review of the applicant’s individual criminal history.
The release and authorization acknowledges that The Empowerment Resurrection Center of Chester may conduct a search for and obtain any criminal or civil history record information pertaining to an individual which may be in the files of any Federal, State or Local criminal justice agency in any state or province or any information as deemed necessary to fulfill the volunteer requirements.
The Empowerment Resurrection Center of Chester Volunteer Program requires volunteers 18 years and older to complete a Criminal Record History Release Form to protect our volunteers, employees and clients. Upon the anniversary of volunteer status, an updated Criminal Release form must be signed for continued volunteer privileges. Volunteering is conditional upon the determination of ERC-Chester after review of the applicant’s individual criminal history.
The release and authorization acknowledges that The Empowerment Resurrection Center of Chester may conduct a search for and obtain any criminal or civil history record information pertaining to an individual which may be in the files of any Federal, State or Local criminal justice agency in any state or province or any information as deemed necessary to fulfill the volunteer requirements.
Familiarize Yourself With Our Guidelines:
For the integrity of our facility:
Volunteers are PROHIBITED from:
Volunteers are REQUIRED to Contact the Volunteer Coordinator PRIOR to:
You Are Now Ready To Apply To Volunteer At ERC-Chester!
Please proceed...
Please proceed...
Thank you for your interest in our volunteer program. We at ERC -Chester appreciate
everything you are doing to assist us in providing a quality rehabilitation program for our clients.
everything you are doing to assist us in providing a quality rehabilitation program for our clients.