Our Supporters
The Empowerment Resurrection Center has a proven track record regarding providing services to individuals who are struggling with substance abuse and related mental disorders.
As a member of the Delaware County Heroin Task Force, I know that tackling addiction through detox is not sufficient. Addicts need support and Empowerment Resurrection Center goes beyond the scope of traditional standards and practices associated with substance abuse and mental health treatment. The community that recovering addicts live in introduces them to the possibilities for rehabilitation and recovery. Addiction is an individual path, but with Empowerment Resurrection Center... not one addict needs to walk alone. Tom Killion Senator, State of Pennsylvania, 9th District |
The Empowerment Resurrection Center has a proven track record regarding providing services to individuals who are struggling with substance abuse and related mental disorders.
Delaware County is in desperate need of addiction support and the need of more treatment facilities is imperative. Addicts need support and Empowerment Resurrection Center goes beyond the scope of traditional standards and practices associated with substance abuse and mental health treatment. The community that recovering addicts live in introduces them to the possibilities for rehabilitation and recovery. Addiction is an individual path, but with Empowerment Resurrection Center’s Mobile Certified Recovery Specialist, it is not one addict’s need to walk alone. This is an important program for the residents of Delaware County...
Mary Gay Scanlon
U.S. Congressional House Representative, Pennsylvania, 5th District
Delaware County is in desperate need of addiction support and the need of more treatment facilities is imperative. Addicts need support and Empowerment Resurrection Center goes beyond the scope of traditional standards and practices associated with substance abuse and mental health treatment. The community that recovering addicts live in introduces them to the possibilities for rehabilitation and recovery. Addiction is an individual path, but with Empowerment Resurrection Center’s Mobile Certified Recovery Specialist, it is not one addict’s need to walk alone. This is an important program for the residents of Delaware County...
Mary Gay Scanlon
U.S. Congressional House Representative, Pennsylvania, 5th District
The Empowerment Resurrection Center {ERC} has a 10-year history of providing quality substance abuse and mental health services to the City of Chester. Down through the years ERC has partnered with the city to help fight the rising tide of substance abuse and mental disorder among our citizens. As I survey my community, I am hard pressed to fine other organizations that are operating and uniquely qualified to provide the above-mentioned services.
Brian Kirkland
State Representative, Pennsylvania, 159th District
Brian Kirkland
State Representative, Pennsylvania, 159th District
The Empowerment Resurrection Center (ERC) has a 10 year history of providing quality substance abuse and mental health services to the City of Chester. Down through the years ERC has partnered with the city to help fight the rising tide of substance abuse and mental disorder among our citizens. As I survey my community, I am hard pressed to fine other organizations that are operating and uniquely qualified to provide the above mentioned services.
Thaddeus Kirkland
Mayor, City of Chester, Pennsylvania
Thaddeus Kirkland
Mayor, City of Chester, Pennsylvania
I believe the Empowerment Resurrection Center has a positive record regarding the services they provide to people who are struggling with substance abuse and mental disorders. The support provided by the Empowerment Resurrection Center is an essential component of the recovery process for addicts as well as mental health patients. I see this program as a positive step toward recovery for the many people suffering from this disease and it has my full support.
Tom Mcgarrigle
Chairman, Delaware County Republican Finance Committee
Tom Mcgarrigle
Chairman, Delaware County Republican Finance Committee